Sunday, September 9, 2012

100 Facebook Followers Swag Giveaway!

Woohoo - I am so excited! Breathe In BooKs has reached so many goals in the last 3 months! Breathe In BooKs has also reached over 100 blog followers between GFC, Linky and Networked Blogs. I am hoping to see 100 soon on just GFC and someday have 100 from each and every following option.

A HUGE "Thank You" to my BooK Breathers, my readers. You are awesomesauce!

So, as promised, I am having a celebratory giveaway!

Here are the prizes:
2 Signed Bookmarks & Signed Chapter books from the newly released Immortally Yours by Angie Fox
3 Signed Immortally Yours Bookmarks
3 Whispers at Moonrise -Shadow Falls- Bookmarks (unsigned)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. C.C. Hunter is my favorite. I love her Shadow Falls series. Her books are just awesomesauce!! I am totally team Lucas by the way. :D I can't wait for Whispers at Moonlight so I would love those bookmarks. LOL

    Thanks for this giveaway!!!!!!!!! You are the best. :D

  2. Haven't read either of those Authors but I can say that I adore Christine Feehan and her series. Since I am always on the lookout for a new book or series I am going to go check out the Shadow Falls. Thank for the give away Love !

  3. O love C. C. Hunter, her Shadow Falls Series is AWESOME!!! I havent heard of the other author you mentioned so I cant comment, however I am looking her up right now and adding her books to my TBR pile, I love to hear about new authors!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  4. I havent read either author but i LOVE Gail Carriger!! Shes my fav at the moment... her or Dia Reeves! Awesome giveaway!!

  5. Immortally Yours looks awesome. Congrats on the 100 followers. I know you're going to expand quickly from that number because you're totally amazing :-) Thanks for the giveaway Krista!!


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